
Persuasive Essay On Cloning

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Cloning is currently one of the most on going research that provides a lot of controversial issues. Some well-known movies such as Star Wars and Jurassic Park are using the cloning technology in it to make an army or to preserve the species of dinosaurs. Some scientists said that this technology was not impossible, and even can be applied on human in the future. But besides of that opportunity, the practice involves strong disapproval on bioethics in the society. Before going further into this topic, what is exactly the definition of cloning? According to Genetic Learning Science Center in University of Utah, cloning is the procedures of making clones of cell, genes, and organisms that have the exact genetic copies from an individual. This …show more content…

The cells are said to be an embryo if it have gone through the 5 days fertilization and the cells have reach about 125-225 cells (Devolder, 2008). Many believe that the early on stage of embryo cells is actually already a person itself, and because of this view, the destruction of embryo when harvesting stem cells is considered as immoral. On the religious view, Christian Roman Catholicism and other Christian group have led to believe that the soul occupied the body when human reach the embryo stage. That is why, the Christian group is strongly opposing this idea because it is the same as we playing god by interfering his way of creation. For the Islamic beliefs, the practice of cloning is permitted but restricted. What it means is that cloning is actually allowed but only for the sake of improving human health, and any means for reproductive cloning is strongly prohibited (Frazzetto, 2004). In additional, there is also an ethical issue on how the egg cells are obtained. In the cloning experiment of Dolly the sheep, it takes 277 trials to eventually produce Dolly, which means 277 of egg cells is used just for a single cloning of Dolly (Morris, 2006). Normally, the egg cells are derived from the donor of IVF patients, but other than that the egg cells that the researchers get are from the women who donating their own oocytes through various risks and discomforts procedure. This issue becomes clear in the ‘Hwang Scandal’ where a Korean stem cells researcher had pressured his junior members to donate their oocytes for cloning experiments (Saunders & Savulescu, 2008; Devolder,

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