Stem Cell Research Persuasive Essay

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Diseases and disabilities have been affecting humans and animals since the beginning of time. People have tried to cure diseases but failed, stem cells can be the first step to solve that problem. Many people believe that stem cell research is morally correct since it has made new technology that has many science and medical applications. Countries across the world support research on stem cells and many Americans want the U.S. to follow. Even though some people think stem cell research is not morally correct, it is saving lives all across the world and should be pursued. Many people say that embryonic and stem cell research are atrocious acts but both are morally correct. Embryos used in research don’t have feelings, they consist of very few cells, and they are extremely tiny so they are not human beings (Holcberg and Epstein 48). Many believe that instead of having embryos held and thrown out by fertility clinics that they should be used for research and experiments. People could also donate their embryos rather than disposing them (Menendez 19). Religious belief is one of the main reasons people do not support stem cells because people believe it goes against moral teaching …show more content…

government is not a supporter of stem cell research; therefore, there is no federal funding for it. Progress on stem cells is moving very slowly since the government will not fund it so new medicine will be delayed (Hutto 97). States like California decided to start funding the research themselves (Bailey 109-110). They did this because health care costs could be lowered from advances in stem cell research due to it preventing more health problems to occur (Adams 545). If the states or the government will not fund stem cell research, then private entities that have no federal bioethical standards will (Mikulski 118). If the government does fund it, not only will they have input on standards for it in the U.S., they could also with other countries (Furcht and Hoffman