Stem Cell Research Is Ethical Essay

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What a difficult topic this is. I think the real question here is, "Is this ethical"? Even when we talk about using non-embryonic cells, it still makes me think, well where does this end? Where does mankind get then nerve to play God? However, God gave us a brain to think for a reason, and if we are procuring these cells by ethical means, then I suppose there is no harm? I do not know if I can definitely say without a doubt that this is either ethical or unethical. As stated in the bioethics publication, of course procuring stem cells from an aborted fetus is unethical, and it is unethical because abortion is unethical.

As far as benefits, I see that it could highly benefit the two children with heart problems, and I'm sure it could cure a multitude of other ailments once the kinks are worked out in the science. But, should we be doing this? This …show more content…

While I do not believe that they are the moral absolute, I do believe they have good insights. "it would be easy to reject all forms of stem cell use. But that would overlook the fact that there are many sources of stem cells, and many of them neither take nor endanger any lives. Therefore we think some forms of stem cell technology are morally permissible. Specifically, we find stem cell technology using bone marrow not only morally acceptable, but laudable. Likewise, the use of umbilical cord stem cells and placenta stem cells after a live childbirth seems permissible. No lives are lost in these cases, and as long as the parents give informed consent and don't profit monetarily from the use of these materials, we see no moral objection to them. We would say the same about stem cells retrieved from bodily organs without damaging the organ or endangering the donors life. And the use of adult skin cells as a source for stem cells seems morally permissible as long as those cells are not used to create embryos through