Case Study Jayna Borderline Personality Disorder

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When her plans for the relationship don’t turn out the way she expected, Jayna becomes angry, irritable, and violent and sometimes ends up injured by these men because of her behaviors. Jayna’s feelings for these men go from intense love to intense hate, and she is left feeling a void which drives her to engage in self-mutilation or scratching of her forearm, and burning herself. After such episodes, she then asks to be admitted to the hospital. Lately, Jayna has been in the hospital more often than usual.
Jayna’s psychiatric history began when she ran away from home at the age of 16 and was later found by police in a different city stealing. She has been treated by Dr Jansson for three years and visits her twice per week for therapy. Jayna …show more content…

It is frequently misdiagnosed because BPD often presents with an array of co-morbidities. The etiology of BPD is not clear but research suggests that its cause stems from environmental factors, genetics, and brain function. This disorder could present by early adulthood and the signs include unstable interpersonal relationships, low-self-esteem, low affects, and impulsivity. (Mangasarian, Sumner, & O 'Callaghan, 2015),Per American Psychiatric Association, BPD is diagnosed when five or more of the following comorbidities are …show more content…

A very successful method in treating borderline personality disorder is Dialectical behavior therapy which falls under the psychoeducational category. DBT is a standard form of treatment for BPD, it is evidence-based, and was created specifically for patients with BPD.
DBT skills training group is a group therapy session where life skills are taught. DBT individual therapy focuses on working on the patient’s drive, and it is done synchronously with the group session. DBT phone coaching is used to help patients with skills to cope with difficult situations, patients are able to call their therapists if a crisis arises. (Stone, 2008)
Skills taught during DBT sessions may include Mindfulness to help the patient be fully cognizant and present in the moment. Distress Tolerance to help patients handle problems safely and to tolerate pain during difficult situations. Interpersonal Effectiveness which helps the patient with skills to have better relationships and to act appropriate during social situations, and last, Emotional Regulation which focuses on changing negative emotions. (Stone,