Case Study Myocardial Infarction

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Case Study 4
Myocardial Infarction

K.R. is a 46-year-old man admitted to the emergency department with unremitting chest discomfort. The pain started while he was shoveling snow from his walkway. He had experienced chest discomfort with activity previously, but the pain had subsided with rest and he sought no medical help. This time the pain did not subside and became increasingly severe, radiating to his left arm and lower jaw. In the emergency department, an ECG and cardiac enzymes were obtained. The cardiac monitor showed sinus tachycardia with occasional premature ventricular complexes. After receiving results of his ECG and cardiac enzymes, the physician diagnoses K.R. with a myocardial infarction (MI).

1. What electrocardiographic (ECG) changes would indicate that K.R. is experiencing a MI? (3 points; List 3 ECG changes that would indicate MI.)
ST elevation is a pattern where the slope will go upward horizontal or in a dome-shape.
ST depression this pattern is seen as a horizontal or down- sloping depression.
Pathological Q waves is wider than a normal Q wave and deeper. (, n.d.)

2. What changes in “cardiac enzymes” would be consistent with a diagnosis of MI? (4 points; List and describe 3 cardiac enzyme changes consistent with MI.)
From the article “Cardiac Enzymes and Markers for Myocardial infratction” by Dr. Colin Tidy (2014), I was able to summarize these cardiac enzyme changes.
Creatine kinase is a myocardial muscle

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