Nursing Care Plan Sample

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B. Learning Objectives: (List 2-4 of your clinical objectives from your week/group of shifts – remember, you should begin each shift with 2-3 clinical objectives.) 1. Practiced neonatal head-to-toe assessments. 2. Give a shift report to the oncoming nurse. 3. Assist in neonatal CPR.
4. Gained a better understanding about the pathophysiology of heart defects and treatments that are associated with these conditions.

C. Patient Profile: (Provide a profile for 2-4 of the patients you cared for this week/group of shifts.)
* The NICU nurses get a maximum of two patients. For the three days, I was at practicum we followed the same patient.
1. L. L. 41 weeks 2/7, male patient. Providence Everett vaginal delivery. Small decelerations occurred at …show more content…

Unfortunately, that baby passed away. Everyone was supportive in ensuring, that everyone was okay after the baby had passed away. In addition to this experience, my preceptor, Jennifer, assisted and allowed me to do many things on my first day. Tasks that I completed included, neonatal assessments and IV medication administrations. On the second day, Jennifer, allowed me to do more, such as paternal nutrition and lipid administration, and I got to remove my patient’s replogle. One the third day, Jennifer gave me more independence, and tried to help me when I was completing tasks. It’s hard transitioning from student nurse, where I am used to the nurse telling me when we are going to do things. Jennifer, is helping me to become more independent, and tell her when we need to complete tasks. During the third day, I was getting a little discourage, because I felt slow compared to Jennifer. I know Jennifer has been a NICU nurse for four years, and I was on my third shift of practicum, yet I am a perfectionist and strive to be the best. I know with time, these skills that I am learning will get faster. Overall, my experience in the NICU has been amazing, yet challenging. I know the NICU environment and my preceptor are helping me to transition into a new graduate