The Importance Of Self-Regulation In Nursing

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Self-Regulation and the New Registered Nurse Introduction The nursing profession has been self-regulating in Ontario since 1963. Self-regulation is a privilege granted to professions that have shown they can put the interest of the public ahead of their own professional interests. It recognizes that Ontario’s nurses have the knowledge and expertise to regulate themselves as individual practitioners and to regulate their profession through the college (“What is CNO?”, 2018). Proactive self-regulation involves establishing learning goals, strategies to address goals, monitor progress of goals, creation of environments conducive to learning, and maintenance of self-efficacy (Zimmerman & Schunk, 2011). Zimmerman and Schucnk explain that self efficacy …show more content…

By continuing to partake in the Quality Assurance program and self-regulating, behaviours can fulfill the standard of being “safe, competent and ethical practitioners” (CNO, 2014, pp. 3). Setting of First Year of RN Practice The ideal setting of my first year of practice, as an RN will be at the Juravinski Hospital in the hematology unit. I have always known that I wanted to work in oncology and my placement on the hematology unit solidified my decision to pursue this goal. During a clinical shift, I would be responsible for providing care to patients with malignant hematological diseases, completing pertinent assessments and teaching skills, such as how to care for the mouth when experiencing mucositis and how to avoid infections. Self-reflection on Professional Practice All nurses registered in the general and extended classes are required to complete their self-Assessment every year. Self-Assessment is a self-directed, two-part process that results in a learning plan (CNO self assessment 2018). Through the process of self-assessment, you identify your areas of strength and learning needs (CNO …show more content…

To achieve this goal I will need to increase my knowledge of how we treat the four main cancers that our patients have. These include lymphoma, myeloma, leukemia, and aplastic cancers. To achieve this goal, I have created a learning plan (see appendix A) similar to the Quality Assurance program the CNO has designed to ensure nurses engage in safe and competent care. An entry-to-practice competency related to this practice under the knowledge based practice domain is “proactively seeks new information, knowledge and best practices for use in the provision of nursing care” (CNO, 2014, pp.

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