Case Study: NCAA Student Athletes

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December Pro:
Zachary Lozano and Hunter Aikmus
Resolved: NCAA student-athletes ought to be recognized as employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Hunter and I stand in firm affirmation of the resolution, Resolved: NCAA student-athletes ought to be recognized as employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act. We will support our stance with the following Three contentions.

Contention One: The Current System is Modern Day Slavery
Current forms of compensation are inadequate. Linda Chavez of the New York Post, 29 Mar. 2014 explains part of the situation, College athletes are subjected to a lot of injuries and harms “Most college athletes, however, won’t see those rewards. But nearly all who play football — and, increasingly, …show more content…

It is unjust to coerce people into performing a service without a reasonable compensation. If we simply said that the mere fact that people consent to coercive contracts makes them just, it would be impossible to prevent any exploitation. Cork Gaines of Business Insider 14 Oct. 2016 elaborates on the fact that College Sports Bring in Billions of Dollars, he states “We recently took a look at the schools that make the most money off of college athletics, with Texas A&M topping the list with $192.6 million in revenue,” and “The 231 NCAA Division I schools with data available generated a total of $9.15 billion in revenue during the 2015 fiscal year.” and Greg Johnson of The Nation, 29 Jun. 2015 makes a great point we he states that the NCAA Should run like the free market, he explains “ They should simply be allowed to operate within the free market like anyone else in America. Schools can pay what they want, and athletes should be able to sign endorsements for their own likeness and image. It’s fairly simple. There is no evidence to suggest that athletes being compensated a fairer market value would compromise an educational mission” as we have a moral obligation to pay back athletes for the time they put into their sports, that comes before any argument about the results of the resolution. This is because whether or not we fulfill moral obligations sets a precedent for futures situations in which it is now justified to not pay people their