Case Study: O Wallace Landscaping Company

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A major force for any organization is communication. O’Wallace Landscaping information is being passed along through word of mouth. The size of the company limits the amount of people that need to know. The information that is being passed on is done in a pre-job meeting. There is only one person in the office that pass the information on to the owner. The other information is passed back to the office when the work order is complete.
In the landscaping industry, the structure/physical lay-out of a small business doesn’t allow for many layers of organization structure. The key part of the structure is the owner, employees and the office manager. The company does not have many people that are directly involved with the company. The company only has one shift. …show more content…

The flow of work allows for each employee to have one specific assignment. This will ensure that each member is responsible for one efficient task. The employee is liable for that task. Smaller jobs sometimes require that each employee 2 task assigned.
The concept of teamwork is very important to te O’Wallace Landscaping Company. Each member of the team knows exactly what their responsibilities are. One team member can make the entire look bad. It is important that organization productivity is

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