Recommended: Personal experience of ptsd
Per documentation she has not been taking medications, answering the phone when called, not eating, and bathing. Mrs. Jones has a history of non compliance. Mrs. Jones reports denies suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis. She reports
SC placed call to Pa and spoke with Bill Pa’s spouse who reported that doing ok. But she has come combative lately and verbal abusive. Bill spoke at length about her behavior and the impact it has on him. Bill is offended when Pa makes disparaging remarks about him and calls him out of his name. Bill reported that he believes Pa needs a medication review and a change in meds.
Dr. Keith requested a mental health evaluation on a Mr. Alewine. He is a 28 year old male who presented to the ED via EMS for chest pains, suicidal ideation, and symptoms of psychosis. Mr. Alewine reported arriving in Siler City from Tennessee after a 16 hour bus trip. He reports after his 16 hour trip, he went to a mechanic shop to call 911 for chest pain and suicidal ideation without a plan after stressing about having a place to stake for a few days. Per documentation Mr. Alewine was asked about current chest pain on a scale of 1 to 10, he reports a 1.
On 8/14/17 Joseph Gomez, Wellness Coach (WC) made a visit to Angel Lopez (Tenant) at his apartment for the purpose of following up on her mental health, medical wellness and to address any issues she may be experiencing. When WC arrived Tenant was quite cordial. Tenant was dressed appropriately and was well groomed. When WC arrived tenant was reading the news on the internet. He appeared to be mentally stable.
She stated no mental health treatment as a child. She reported no history of psychiatric issues or medical problems.
The counselor called an ambulance to rush Sanchez to the hospital because she needed an immediate psychiatric evaluation. The hospital employed a standard for admission to its psych unit that boiled down to a simple question: do you feel suicidal or homicidal? To that, she responded “no”. Just 11 minutes after her psych evaluation ender, she was discharged from the hospital with the name of a clinic she could contact for outpatient services, though she was given no address or contact information. She never made an appointment.
The claimant is an 18- year old filing a continuing disability review alleging depression and anxiety. The claimant has a history of anxiety and depression. She completed the SSA 3368 on 7/18/16 and indicated on the form she had not seen anyone for mental health but had a visit scheduled on 7/19/16. The DDS was unable to obtain additional information regarding the claimant’s conditions.
Patient is a 51 year old Caucasian female living alone in her own home. The patient has a history and current syntoms of geralized anxity disorder, social phoina and panic attacks, which she takes madications for and sees a psychrist 2-3 times per month in Havasu. Patinets lives with six cats and the house environment is somewhat cluttered. The patinet is orinally from Glendale, CA., has a brother in Palmdale, CA, who is stays in contact with sometimes. Pt has a daughter in Big River, who is not supportive of her, but has three grandchildren who visit her.
Case Conceptualization & Treatment Plan Identify Information For this case conceptualization, we will review a client by the name of Mr. Jimmy Kaiser. He is a seventeen-year-old, Caucasian male living in New York City. He is single and currently not dating anyone. Mr. Kaiser lives in an apartment with his mother.
Please accept this 30 day notice to discharge Anthony Sanders from my household. Anthony Sanders has displayed the following behavioral problems are stealing in the house and community, continuous cursing in the home and school, bulling younger peers and siblings at home, community and school. Anthony refuses to comply with the home rules on a continuous basis. Anthony requires redirection continuous daily, does not respect personal boundaries. I created a behavioral contract for Anthony last week to aid with Anthony gaining awareness of his behaviors on the home and community.
Mr. Grape was referred by the court for a psychological evaluation to assess his psychological and emotional functioning in regard to his risk of violence and other behaviors that could compromise his ability to care for his newborn child. At the time of the evaluation, Mr. Grape was experiencing depressive symptoms that manifested as irritability and explosiveness. IV. Background Information Mr. Grape is a 52-year-old, single, African American, male who was released from prison 10 months prior to this evaluation. Mr. Grape’s primary language is English.
Co-occurring disorders are common with most client cases that are presenting with a substance use disorder. Rosa is presenting with a history of several suicide attempts, alcohol use disorder, Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The client’s most severe symptoms are anger, fear, and shame. It is these symptoms that are complicating her life, causing distress, and self harming behaviors. Additionally, her treatment history is limited since she does not finish her therapy sessions.
Her symptoms presented when Client A’s father started a new job and when she transferred into a new school (precipitant). Client A admits to feeling anxious, angry and frustrated when she is being ignored and misunderstood. She firmly believes everyone in her life should listen, believe and try to understand her. When others do not abide by her decisions or value her thoughts and emotions, she feels abandoned and that no one cares for her (maladaptive cognition). In response to her thoughts/emotions, Client A reacts with angry outbursts and becomes defensive, defiant and disrespectful towards others along with efforts to controlling them as well (maladaptive behavior).
Limitations recognised throughout the SDM process were related to risk of further deterioration in the Consumer’s mental state. As the Consumer was slowly taken off his medications, in a safe clinical manner, his presentation deteriorated. The Consumer’s sleep pattern worsened due to the elevation in his mood, there was a noted increase in impulsivity and poor boundaries with others on the inpatient unit, leading to the Consumer becoming vulnerable. There was a prominent increase in erratic and aggressive towards others, leading to the assault of a staff member on the inpatient unit and subsequently required the use of restrictive interventions. The decline in mental state resulted in the Consumer’s father, case manager and treating team coming together for a family meeting with the Consumer present in which the previous medications the Consumer had been previously prescribed were recommenced in an attempt to re-stabilise his presentation, unfortunately this was a substituted decision made by the consumer’s father and treating tream.
The first diagnosis that I chose for Suzy was Major Depressive Disorder, recurrent/moderate. According to Dinger, Barrett, Zimmermann, Schauenburg, Wright, Renner, Mano and Barber (2015) “Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a clinically and etiologically heterogeneous condition evidencing wide symptomatic and response variability” (pg. 93). The DSM-5 then goes into more details regarding the wide symptoms that Dinger et al hinted to. According to DSM-5, Major Depressive Disorder is characterized by insomnia, fatigue, somatic complaints, sleep disturbances, depressed mood, and loss of interest or pleasure in nearly all activities. I chose Major Depressive Disorder because of the symptoms that Suzy described experiencing nearly every day prior