Social Work Case Study Paper

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Patient is a 51 year old Caucasian female living alone in her own home. The patient has a history and current syntoms of geralized anxity disorder, social phoina and panic attacks, which she takes madications for and sees a psychrist 2-3 times per month in Havasu. Patinets lives with six cats and the house environment is somewhat cluttered. The patinet is orinally from Glendale, CA., has a brother in Palmdale, CA, who is stays in contact with sometimes. Pt has a daughter in Big River, who is not supportive of her, but has three grandchildren who visit her. Pt does have a car and drivers licence, but chooses not to drive because she afarid she will have a panic attack. Patinet stated she has always been this anxious..all started when her …show more content…

Pt 's husband was in change of the finances and once he passed, she no idea how to balance her incomes and become too stressful for her. Patinet said her neihbors assist her with transportation to the store and MD appointments, however she has to pay them $100 a week. Patient stated she needs assistance with house chores, transportation and cooking meals. MSW connected local private caregiver, Donna and left message regarding pt 's needs for assistance within the home. MSW connected IHSS of San Berdentio county and spoke to an representive regarding a referral for caregivering assistance for Pt. The representive stated a packet of paperwork with mailed to patinet in 2-3 weeks to be completed and mailed back within the deadline date. They stated a social worker for IHSS will contact patient to schedule an evaltation appointment with patient. Patient understood the MSW instructions about looking out for the packet and contact MSW if futher assistance is needed. Patinet had other concerns about hearing from Medicare regarding not receving the completed Medicare Coverage Re-determination packet, which was due by 09/01/15. Patient stated she never received the packet through the mail. MSW connected Medicare, but was on hold for 40 mins and unable to get through at

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