Social Work Reflection Essay

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Portfolio Part B: Reflection on the overall learning within the module Prior to starting this course the MA Social Work course and the PPSWP module I felt very confident in the aspects of communicating effectively and working with a diverse range of people, and after the reading the professional capabilities framework I believe that I hold the same personal values which is expected of a social worker. The PCF6 talks about the importance of critical reflection and reflective practice explaining that it helps improve accountability, professional development and helps to you understand your own tacit knowledge and gain new knowledge, which improves outcomes and experiences for social workers. (Capabilities within the PCF, 2016) For this reflection …show more content…

I feel like I have strong emotional intelligence having the ability to identify my own emotions and the emotions of others. I also understand that a display of emotion isn’t always and obvious implication of what a person is actually feeling. Being a woman of colour I feel like I could face challenges such as racism within the work place or out in the field working with service users. Often people find racism as a portrayal of hatred but I understand that not everyone is going to be open to the diversities of the world and that is not always down to racism, sometimes and it can stem from personal experiences, ignorance and sometimes it can just be learnt behaviours. I feel like it is my duty as a 2nd generation British born Caribbean women to change the perceptions of others based on the experiences they have with me. I understand that this will not always go in my favour and from my previous experiences I have found that some behaviours and opinions cannot be changed. This is when has potential for conflict to arise. During one of the workshops we discussed that our safety is dependant on our conflict management style. The seven stages of escalation being the calm, trigger, agitation, acceleration, peak, de-escalation and recovery (class notes); this all coincides with risk management and making sure that you take adequate precautions when lone working. This can be done by not entering a home with no clear exit, not allowing your service user to lock you in their home, allocate your seating near the door. Being aware of pets, parking within a secure