Group Work In Social Work Essay

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Much discussion is devoted to the literature regarding group work as it remains an integral part of the social work field. Group work is important as “the need to belong is one of the most basic and powerful human needs as well as the most social” (Ashford, & Lecroy, 2008, pg. 140). Group work is found to be an effective intervention and has become a major treatment modality in the mental health services (Knight, 2017; Clements, 2008). This intervention has been found just as effective as an individual intervention (Knight, 2017). Groups have played an instrumental part in transforming how the social work field thinks about the helping process for clients. Social work using groups utilizes group processes as ways to help individuals and the groups accomplish their goals (Social Work Practice with Groups, n.d.). Group work can be defined as “a method of working with people in groups for personal growth, the enhancement functioning, and for the achievement of socially desirable goals” (Social Work Practice with Groups, n.d.). Group work emphasizes member empowerment and mutual support both which …show more content…

Earlier studies found that students learning experiences were compromised by the field instructors own limited exposure to groups; this often due to the lack of focus on group work as a treatment option offered in agencies. Additionally, social work graduates ability to be effective group leaders may be compromised because of their lack of adequate preparation in the classroom and in fieldwork. The insignificant focus and attention showned by social work schools regarding group work also contribute to the students’ lack of interest in using group work as an intervention. As a result, this decreases the likely hood that students will use this intervention in their future professions (Knight,