Case Study: The Mystic Monk Coffee Q.

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Father Daniel Mary left Minnesota and founded the Wyoming Carmelite in Clark, Wyoming. Father Daniel Mary had a vision of creating a new Mount Carmel with extending the accommodations from 13 monks to 30 monks living on a 500-acre ranch. After having over 500 inquires of young men asking to join the Carmelites, a larger monastery was needed. The monks wanted to buy the 500-acre ranch but did not have all the money for the listing price of $8.9 million. The Mystic Monk Coffee was developed because the Carmelite Monks needed a plan to earn extra money. The U.S. Catholic population was the target market for the coffee because of the large amount of Americans that attend the Catholic Church. Father Daniel Mary Future, Vision, and Mission Father Daniel Mary established future direction for the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming. This happened in a vision that he had to accommodate 30 new monks, a convent for Carmelite nuns, a Gothic church, a retreat center for lay visitors, and a hermitage on a 500-acre land that was listed as $8.9 million. …show more content…

This roaster will help in expanding the funds for the Carmelite Monk of Wyoming. Mystic Monk Coffee sales from the outside world is the only means of support that might provide the financial resources needed to purchase the Irma Lake Ranch. The mission of the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming is be able to make Father Daniel Mary vision come true with living in a cloistered monastic environment. A life for dedicated monks to be able to pray and worship in a new monastery. A life create as a place for solitude in the Rockies without financial obstacles. Also, a life that will open numerous opportunities for 30 monks that understood chastity and the reality of the vows of