Casey Anthony Essay

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Potential flaws in the American judicial system have been highlighted by the Casey-
Anthony trial. The mother of murdered Caylee Anthony has been apprehended. Many people were shocked by the 2011 decision to find Anthony not guilty. The trial brought to light issues with the American justice system, including the inability of the poor to afford legal counsel, the influence of random selection on the composition of jurors, and the effect of biased media on public charges of crime. The efforts of those in the criminal justice system saved a potentially disastrous consequence. The use of SOPs may quickly discredit an inquiry; therefore, awareness of the danger is essential. More faith must be placed in newly found evidence that may help …show more content…

Some innocent people go to jail, and others get off easy because of institutional prejudice. Because of this, some individuals end up in jail while others end up free.
One prominent example of this kind of person is Casey Anthony.
The 2008 arrest of Casey Anthony on murder charges for the death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee garnered widespread media attention. Despite no evidence or investigation linking Anthony to any crime, the media and public labeled her "America's most despised mother" (Strickland, 2020). Four counts of misdemeanor supplying false information resulted in
Is it Preferable to be a Pretty White Girl if You Are Locked Up in America?
One group that benefits disproportionately from the justice system is attractive white women. After a lot of media attention, this is especially true. Research (Skop & Lyons, 2010) her conviction; two were eventually dropped, but she still faced the death penalty. However, the jury was not convinced she was the killer (Strickland, 2020). This mishap emphasizes the need to enhance the current system and other …show more content…

For the same crimes, minorities are given harsher punishments, according to the literature (Feld, Singer, Skolnick, &
Roberts, 2012). Cultural bias toward the LGBTQ community and the impoverished are two structural problems that must be addressed (The Balance, 2019). This bias may lead to erroneous accusations and convictions of otherwise innocent persons.
American Jury System
The jury system is an important part of the American criminal justice system because it guarantees defendants the opportunity to be tried by a group of their peers. As a result, the trial and the jury should be more objective. The jury's verdict on whether the defendant is guilty is essential to the operation of the jury system. Since their decision might have far-reaching effects, they have become an integral element of the trial process (Ruderman, 2020). However, this may also make jurors a troublesome part of the process since they may need to thoroughly examine the material or apply the right roof standards to hand down verdicts.
resolve these problems. Everyone stands to gain from a legal system that is more just and

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