Casey Anthony Essay

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To have a law passed under the name of a victim is world-wide changing, as the terrible acts could be restored into the criminal justice system today. Although, the circumstance of any law passed by legislation is too hard to understand why would anyone want to commit such a horrific crime, the answers, we may never know. As many Americans may remember it, the world stopped on July 15, 2008 as people heard across the nation on the news, radio, and perhaps social media. A two-year old little girl from Orlando Florida was missing, and her name was Caylee Marie Anthony. Casey Marie Anthony gave birth to Caylee on August 9, 2005 in Orlando Florida. She grew up to be a happy two-year old who lived with her mother and grandparents, George and Cindy …show more content…

Shockingly, as the top headline of the news spread worldwide, the world came in silence when Caylee’s skeletal remains were found on December 11, 2008 that were found with a blanket inside of a trash bag in a wooded area near the family home (Death of Caylee Anthony”). After recovering all of Caylee’s remains, investigators gave reports and a trial testimony explaining the duct tape that was found at the front of the skull and on the mouth of the skull. During the trial, the medical examiner explained that the duct tape was the main reason as to why Caylee’s murder was ruled as a homicide. The court trial lasted six weeks from May to July of 2011, the investigation and testimonies was a very important role in this case. Of course, the prosecution sought the death penalty since Casey murdered her daughter by administering chloroform and applying duct tape to her mouth and head. However, Prosecutors stated that Anthony had suffocated Caylee with duct tape because she wanted to be free to hit the nightclubs and spend time with her boyfriend (“Casey Anthony: Why did the jury say not guilty”). Although, in return, the defense that was led by Jose Baez stated that Caylee had drowned by accidently in the family’s swimming pool on June 16, 2008, and stated that the grandfather, George Anthony disposed of Caylee’s body (“Death of Caylee Anthony”). The defense then stated to the jury that Casey lied about the murder because Casey lived in a home of sexual abuse by her father. However, the defense did not show any evidence to the jury as to how Caylee died, nor evidence that Casey was sexually abused as a