Cash, Cost And College Expectations Of College

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Expectations of College:
Cash, Costs and College
There are many things that I as a student expect from my college experience. The biggest issue that umbrellas many aspects of college are finances. When going to college, expectations of affordable education is the primary goal. Finances tend to be a very important aspect. Whether community college, trade school or university; money, cost of classes, and other financial obligations are often concerns. Out of the many higher education opportunities community college is the most affordable.
Many students are wondering how they are going to pay for school and expenses. Stressing about financial aid and education costs can cause many problems. Stress and depression can affect grades and cause students to drop out. Unfortunately, financial stress is an everyday reality for many students. Tuition tension is causing grade point averages to plummet all over the United States of America. The tuition rise has many downfalls; causing stress among many students at a point when education and grades should be a primary focus.
Reducing costs will help retain students that are willing to succeed and graduate. Chances are if community college is affordable, universities will have better chances at recruiting associate graduates. College expenses should be …show more content…

Students are expected to buy any books, supplies, and consumable materials needed for courses of study. The estimated cost of such items averages $300- $500 per semester for a full-time student (“Tuition @ TCC”). Many students depend on financial aid and loans to live throughout the semester. Budgeting may be the best way to limit debt and stress, but lower tuition and expenses will definitely help stay on track. The price tag of a college education has soared over the years and is impacting many