Cassius The Nightmare Part 1 Analysis

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Imagine having the power to govern and manipulate others, to create war, to destroy relations, being able to conquer with lies and hopeless thoughts that would corrupt the allies between anyone. This man named Cassius destroyed one of the most assured relationship in Rome by manipulating one of them with the desire for power. Cassius would never fit to be ruler since he uses it for evil. He does not have the compassion or the selfless commitment to encourage others for the greater good. Cassius has the power to start disaster and toy with men’s emotions, can be able to turn anyone’s strongest points to their weakest. He gathered other men to believe a Conspiracy he created himself, the thought that Cassius used his imagination to lure honorable men into believing their own Minister was a tyrant. The thought of him having the role that he was able to take away in a matter …show more content…

If Cassius used his manipulation, distractions, misdirections, and fallacies for himself to become Prime Minister it would leave only chaos and insanity. Cassius: The Nightmare Part 1 To begin with, Cassius is a man who twists facts into emotional greed, brings the inner evil out of a good man, and plays with a man’s minds. Cassius is one to take advantage over any opportunity he sees such as, “Brutus, I do observe you…,” stated in line 34 Act 1 Scene 2. It goes on to show before he makes a move, or in this case before he starts his plan. Cassius is one to take precaution before action. He was being aware that Brutus was acting differently toward him and questioned Brutus’ actions. It may seem as a great leadership quality “TEDx,” provide that he is caring about others and trying to understand others. However, in reality it is more so Cassius is trying to confirm that Brutus is “weak” at the