
Julius Caesar: Hero Or Villain

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Julius Caesar was the Dictator of Rome in 42 BC who accomplished many things. Many people believed that he was a hero, but Julius Caesar was a very ambitious dictator and was more of a villain than a hero. Julius Caesar was a villain because he didn’t think first before doing something, he forced the Senate to name him dictator for life and he also was a glory hound and put his needs before the republic. To begin with, Julius Caesar was a was a glory hound and put his needs before the republic. Caesar used his power as dictator more towards his advantage instead of helping the people in Rome. An account written by Suetonius says that “ Caesar urged them rather to propose to the people that he be permitted to stand for a second consulship …show more content…

Since Caesar had defeated Pompey, a military and political leader during the Roman Republic, in battle and was a roman general at the time, Caesar went on to conquer and take control of Gaul ( modern day France) and allied himself with Cleopatra in Egypt by marrying her. Caesar was expecting to become dictator for life because of his accomplishments without the Senate voting on him. This shows that Caesar wanted anything that would better him in life and brings us to the next topic about how Caesar didn’t think about others first. This shows that Caesar wanted anything that would better him in life. The final reason why Julius Caesar was a villain is the fact that he took action first without thinking about what the consequences would be. Some people might say that Caesar was a hero because he conquered new lands and saved Rome from the hardships of war. Except Caesar, like stated before, only cared about fame and wealth so, he sought out to conquer new lands when really he just started the wars and put Rome in a zone of danger. He started unnecessary wars without thinking about how the rise of taxes (due to the war) would affect the economic part of Rome and it’s citizens.
In conclusion, Julius Caesar was more of a villain than a hero. He never thought about how his choices would affect his citizens and the people around him and only cared about gaining wealth and power for himself. While others paint him as a hero, Caesar was indeed, a

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