Pros And Cons Of Julius Caesar

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Julius Caesar was a Powerful Roman politician and general, who served as a god to the Romans. He played a key role in the events that led to the downfall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman empire. His reign from 49 B.C to 44 B.C illustrated his dominance in controlling a commanding army and ruling a nation. Many historians have different opinions on Caesar's command. Some saw him as a leader for the people, whereas others saw him as a man searching for power and power alone. This paper will show you how Julius Caesar became the man he was and the pros and cons of his leadership. Before Caesar’s monarchy, he was a successful leader of armies. His victories in the Gallic wars only heightened his want for power. By 51 B.C. Julius’ ability to run a military was incomparable, which alone jeopardized Pompey’s leading. Thus, in 50 B.C. Pompey ordered Caesar to disband his army, step down from his military command, and return to Rome. With Caesar’s refusal, a Civil War ensued …show more content…

For starters, he is the reason the Roman Republic fell and the Roman Empire rose. Despite the rise of the empire was a relatively good geographical outcome, the fact that it was governed by a dictatorship, created a few problems. One being that most Romans were not in favor of a monarchical life. But, when he came into power the first thing that he did was make extreme cutbacks on the Senate. This can also be a result of his power thirst. Considering Caesar’s approval surrounded by the senate, it gave him a copious number of enemies because other politicians were jealous of the number of things that he had accomplished in the republic. He also gave former enemies, ones he had previously conquered, positions in government. Some of these positions included the senate. This was ultimately the biggest mistake during his reign due to the fact that, these people conducted the assassination plot for