Was Julius Caesar Actions Justified

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Julius Caesars actions were okay because everything he did was for the good of his country. If he committed a crime, it was to help Rome expand or get more money, I know this because Rome became richer and bigger. But if you're gonna do something bad and think you're helping out, think about the consequences. Caesars actions were justified when he tried to murder Vercingétorix, he committed adultery with Cleopatra, and took over countries to expand land. Julius Caesar almost broke the law when he wanted to kill Vercingétorix. When Caesar invaded Gaul, Vercingétorix stood his ground in front of his house. Caesars army tried to kill him but Caesar spared his life. Later Vercingétorix went against Caesar and gathered men for an army to destroy him. Therefore Caesar had every right to kill Vercingétorix. Even though Caesar did not kill him personally, he has intentions to kill him. Vercingétorix was executed in front of Rome. Julius just wanted was to protect Rome. Vercingétorix was stupid to go against Caesar. He had to have known he …show more content…

He fought many battles for 8 years all to better his country. When he went to war, all he had on his mind was to expand Rome. He didn't think about what people were going through at home. He also didn't think that his friends would betray him when he returned. Caesars army fought big and small battles. Every time he won, Rome would be expanded. Therefor Caesar did not expect the Consul to betray him, he thought they were gonna be happy he is making Rome more powerful. Caesars intentions were not to become dictator of Rome, he wanted to make it more powerful and he got caught up in the excitement of battle. He fought many battles, many armies, and lost many men. He did it all for the good of Rome. If he wouldn't have done any of this, Rome would've probably gone broke, or been taken over. If either of those things were to happen, Rome would've failed as a