Suetonius Accomplishments Of Caesar

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Caesar’s military accomplishments played a vital role in restoring Rome. The various endeavours Caesar undertook as a military commander during the 58 – 50 BC Gallic wars benefitted Rome immensely, as Caesar subdued Gaul, made leeway in previously uncharted Britain, (source 5) established loyalties and increased the state of finances. Plutarch, a Greek-born Roman historian, praises “Caesars achievements [which] surpass [that of the greatest generals]” (source 5). Despite a one century detachment from events and pro-imperial nature (unseen), Plutarch offers a fairly reliable viewpoint. It could be inferred Caesar would have been unable to strengthen and expand Rome without such military capabilities. However, during Caesars command, the Senate …show more content…

Upon becoming dictator in ?? BC, Caesar had various powers and honours bestowed upon him, including life consulship, and imperium (source 12). Suetonius claims that as a ‘mere mortal’, Caesar should have refused these powers (source 12). Although, this stance most probably represents the adverse views from primary sources, such as Cicero, Suetonius would have based his authorship on. Furthermore, beholding these authorities was crucial for Caesar to implement the measures Rome required to achieve stability. Caesar himself documented a letter in 46 BC, stating his political aims to achieve ‘peace for the provinces, and security for the Empire’ (source 11). Although possibly serving as propaganda, Caesar essentially represents himself as champion of Rome. This did indeed occur, as Caesar established stability by establishing a uniform system of government among the provinces, and also reforming the tax system in order to reduce corruption (source 9). In addition, measures were passed in order to relieve debt and stabilise the economy, while the amount of senators was increased to 900, simultaneously increasing the number of praetors, questers and aediles (source 9). By increasing the number of senatorial positions, essentially, Caesar was transferring power to the plebeians, which is an obvious contradiction to claims Caesar was merely seeking personal glory, as his power was used to enhance