Catcher In The Rye Critical Lens Essay

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Nothing would make sense. It´s like trying to est cheese with your eyes. The Catcher in the Rye written in a different point of view would be something totally distinct. Since all the story is told from Holden´s opinion; if the story had been written in a different perspective, you would not be able to know Holden´s feelings, the whole book would not make snese, but you will probably discover the truth of the events. In the whole story you read all Holden´s thoughts and feelings. If the story was written in a different way, it would be imposible to know hugely importan memories, like when Holden was talking about the time he was playing checkers with Jane. Also, in some parts of the novel, Holden pretends or thinks he is acting in some certain way, when he is truly acting completely different; an example would when he was goin gout on a date with Sally and he started to shout, but he thought he was not. So if the story was written in a different person, you would not know Holden´s thought or mood. “Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around - nobody big, I mean - except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start …show more content…

Therefore, it can be a great choice, that the author would write a second book so everybody can discover the real story. When Holden was on a date with Sally, and she told him to stop screaming, maybe he was yelling, and he said he wasn´t just because he is lying or he is unaware of that. Or when he got really mad at Stradkater becase he went out with Jane. Holden thought that Stradlater just wanted sex, but maybe he was really into Jane, nobody knows. Maybe everything Holden expressed was a complete lie and he truly looks like a complete