Catcher In The Rye Dialectical Journal Essay

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1.In the previous past chapters and Holden acts more like child than an adult. Holden seems to call adults phonies and doesn’t really call children phonies. It 's immaterial to me," she said. "Hey—how old are you, anyhow?"That annoyed me, for some reason. "Oh, Christ. Don 't spoil it," I said. "I 'm twelve, for Chrissake. I 'm big for my age." (Salinger 57) I think Holden dosen 't mind children becuase they are not as complex and "lousy" as adults. Children mostly go where the wind takes them and that 's Holden 's mentallity. Adults think things too much through and make clear-cut plans, where Holden and children tend to just make it up as they go. Much more carefree. This shows Holdens mentallity but it also shows Holdens immaturity to grow …show more content…

2.Holden symbolism of him and the fish/ducks shows his impatience. Holden’s conversation begins when he asks the taxi driver about ducks and the fish. "If you was a fish, Mother Nature 'd take care of you , wouldn 't Right? You don 't think them fish just die when it gets to be winter, do ya?"(Salinger 82)Holden, who becomes anxious about everything in his life and seeks to avoid difficulty, is like a duck, who takes off when the going gets rough. The taxi driver is saying that the rest of the world, like the fish, has it as bad, if not worse, than Holden does, and if Holden could just learn to trust a little more that things will be all right, he would, like the rest of the world, get …show more content…

4.Sunnys dress symbolizes youth, spring, fertility, inexperience. Because she 's a prostitute, she doesn 't see herself like this, but Holden (green himself) sees her in this way.Holden when he request a prostitute he refuses the offer of sex and prefers to talk about life. Holden sees her as a human, with emotional depth, instead of an object for pleasure. ‘’Don’t you feel like talking for a while’’. Sunny dress could have been another color , but the Author chooses this because it shows how Holden wants her to be virgin. He is in denial of who she is because she is the same age as Holden, because he has trouble talking to her. Holden denies her because he thinks Sunny is better than that and doesn’t look at