Catcher In The Rye Irony Analysis

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In the beginning of the novel Holden is back with his parents because he references it and in a way uses pre tense but it seems as though holden is talking as the story is actually happening. The significance of Holden referencing David copperfield is that it means the something bad happen to him becuase the david copperfield he’s talking about is the comedian. When Holden left the equipment on the subway it shows that he is not very responsible and doesn't want to take the blame for leaving the things on the subway and he kind of ignores it. The definition of irony is when a person is describing something or saying something and the actual meaning is opposite of what it's supposed to mean. Holden's reaction to being expelled to being expelled is that he doesn't really care. He has already been expelled …show more content…

He also says something about shooting people in the hat when ackley is in his dorm . Holden references the hat when he’s looking for innocence. Ch 5-8 Holden describes allie as a really nice and genuine kid who doesn't get mad easily. Holden also says “He was also the nicest in a lot of ways” (38 Salenger). Holden and Allie are the similar because they both like literature and english. This is proven because the baseball mitt that allie had has poems on it so he could read it when he was bored playing baseball. The short term result of Allies death is that he went on a rampage on all the windows in the garage and he also tried to break all the windows in the car they had. The long term effects is that he will always remember Allie and be sad for him Also his had can’t make a super tight fist and people will keep an eye on him from there on out because he had to get psychoanalyzed. It can be inferred that Holden hates things that are kind of cryptic and since Stradlater was so vague it make Holden think that Stradlater did the time with Jane and obviously Holden is jealous ands dislikes Stradlater for