Catcher In The Rye Unpredictable Analysis

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Society is a changing at unimaginable rates. Rates that can be scary for any individual because they do not want to be left behind. One slip could be the beginning of a compounding problem. A problem that could stick with them for the rest of their life. This problem makes life unpredictable and chaotic. Naturally, people want to live a good life. which is not possible when life is chaotic. As a result, people want to have simplicity in their life. Through using avoidance techniques, life becomes simple.
Ignoring reality makes life less chaotic. People ignore reality in order to avoid a problem. Everyone is bound to confront a problem at some point in their life. Holden confronts the problem of loss the day Allie died. Holden stated “So I shot …show more content…

Predictability makes life simple. People do not have to think at a high level if they do the same thing every day. Andie’s dad has routine because he never goes out.Andie tries to get him up, in the open scene, by repeating herself five times, saying phrases like “Wake up! Come on, wake up” (). Jack does not want to wake up because he will be deviating from his routine. Since he does the same thing every daye Jack is able to avoid thinking. Because of this Jack is able to accept the illogical fact that his wife might be coming back. By having this mindset Jack is able to eliminate a problem to make his life simple. Sam, form The Poncho Bearer, also has a routine. Every Friday Sam wears the same thing to school. Sam wears a Mexican Poncho to stand out, and make his life more predictable. Sam is able to make his life more predictable through creating his own persona. Sam has structural sound thought process because he has his own persona. This persona gives Sam his direction. Holden is the exact opposite, he has no idea where he is heading in life. That is represented by “I’d just be a catcher in the rye and all” (Salinger, 173). Holden made that statement after Phoebe ask him what he want to be in life. Part of the reason Holden made this statement is that he does not know where he is going in life. Holden is constantly changing, the reader saw this in Holden’s thought process. In result Holden’s life appears chaotic. Holden’s life is