Catholic Church Pride Research Paper

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The Catholic Church, Pride, and Myself Pride has been thought over for centuries by many of the greatest thinkers of all time. It is thought of as a healthy thing that everyone experiences. In contrast, it is also though of as a root of evil and moving off of the path towards God. It connects all of the Church's virtues, vices, sins, scriptures, and scholarly articles together and is a basis of all sins. In Scripture the idea of pride is ever strengthened as being a disgrace in the eyes of God. It is the root of all evil, it angers God. "See their pride, and send forth your fury upon their heads" (Judith 9:9). In this passage it is said that the Assyrians were priding themselves on their horses and boasted about their power. Judith exclaimed to bring Gods wrath upon the Assyrians for they are pride full and disgracing God. If one keeps pride in themselves and avoids boasting, they will find God's love. In 2 Chronicles, "...Hezekiah humbled himself …show more content…

In paragraph 1700 of the Catechism it is stated, "The dignity of the human person is rooted in his creation in the image and likeness of God" (CCC 1700). There it arises an issue in the relation between the Church's stance on pride and its stance on dignity. The greatest part of human beings is their closeness and creation in God's image. One needs dignity to fully honor and respect God's gift to humans. Therefore, one has to find the right composition of their pride. Pride has to be centered in the goodness and holiness of a person itself, due to its likeness to God, but if one has pride in ones self, in their achievements, then they have lost God and don't realize their gift from God. Pride has been thought over for centuries by many of the greatest thinkers of all time. Thomas Aquinas was a very famous religious thinker who touched on the idea of pride in his book Summa Theologica. Aquinas has addressed many issues and Pride is labeled as question 162 in part two in his