Definition Essay On Pride

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Pride Pride is a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. The word pride both positive and negative meanings that can be seen throughout history. The usage of the word pride gives it a negative cynical connotation, describing people as vain, arrogant or belittling other people. An example of this could be when someone famous thanks “all the little people” as seen as in movies and TV as a joke. They are suggesting that they are bigger or greater than others. Pride is not a negative trait to have if it doesn’t get the best of you. When instilled in the young, pride is a building block of a healthy self-esteem. This is important and necessary to promote a positive self-worth. A child needs to hear that he or she has done something well. Praise will reinforce positive characteristics and does not focus on limitations as it builds pride. In artice 1, it says “Self-worth is a function of living with dignity, which exists apart from any …show more content…

This pride is nothing but destructive; it can lead to a false feeling of self importance or even worse, to prejudice. However, there are still a lot to be proud of. One can be proud of their children because part of the children is what we raise them to be. One can be proud of the good friends they have made because again, they are choices and not forces. In article 1, it says “When pride substitutes for our need to hold ourselves with dignity, it disconnects us”. Most importantly one can, and one should, be proud of the person they are. If who they are is the person they’ve chosen to be, they should be proud of themselves more than anything else, because to become a person of your choice is breaking out of forces of nature, time, culture and