Catholicism Vs Buddhism

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Despite thousands of miles separating the geographical origins of Buddhism and Catholicism, their respective emergence and diffusion share parallels. The birthplace of Buddhism is located in, beginning with a privileged prince named Siddhartha Gautama (Van Voorst 74). He remained oblivious to the hardships of the common people, for he was accustomed to a life of prosperity. However, several trips beyond his palace prompted him to witness the harsh realities of the world. He encountered a man battling the degenerative effects of old age, a man succumbing to a disease, and a man’s sorrowful funeral (Van Voorst 75-77). Buddha drew on these pivotal events that unfolded during his lifetime to shape the core concepts of Buddhism, with his teachings …show more content…

In retrospect, the emergence of the each religion stems from the life and teachings of one man. Both leaders proclaimed profound views that they sought to share with others in order to guide them through life. When survey participants were asked what a goal of each respective religion is, 84% indicated that Catholicism intends to spread its beliefs while only 38% marked that Buddhism pursues this goal (Sayson). This is a misconception, for Catholicism and Buddhism are two of the major universalizing religions. They qualify as universalizing religions because each strives to be global and appeal to all people, regardless of their culture or location (Rubenstein 170). Buddha and Jesus needed a method of diffusing their monumental concepts. Buddha did not designate a specific leader to succeed him; however, he instructed his monk disciples on his teachings, which became the basis for Buddhist scripture. On the contrary, Jesus appointed Peter as the first Pope, the leader of the Catholic Church. Similar to Buddha, Jesus mentored twelve disciples, and they implemented his teachings to be part of Biblical scripture. The devotion of Buddhist and Catholic disciples allowed the preaching of their founders to live