Causal Relationships

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1. In some data sets, it is possible to conclude that one variable has a direct influence on the other. This is known as a causal relationship. Discuss the importance of causal relationships in political science research. How do we eliminate possible causal relationships? Explain one possible causal relationship discussed in class and describe how we can eliminate the causality involved. Be sure to cite specific examples from both the assigned readings and lectures when responding to this essay question.

Yes, the data could influence the study and change the theory of the study to be good or bad. The researcher faced always the two variables one of the causal relationships and the other is non-causal relationship. The causal relationships …show more content…

We mush make sure to change our data base depends on our variables, such as if we are talking about the money around the world, that changing every time, some other country their economies go down some others get trouble to rise up their own economy. Or if there is two country and their relationship depends or the political parties. That might change the variables and put some different prescriptive to the theories. And that might change the relationship, some relationship hit the target by be truth and some other not be non causal relationships. Which is no relationship to their country and there is no side effects. When we have research we need to know the causal relationships and that to help us to find the variables between the X and Y. Which you could thing about it as Saudi Arabia and United State of American. The data could transfer to be wards to help us to find more evidence to support our study theory, and make it more interesting for the reader. For example, we could put Saudi Arabia like number 1 and United States like number 2, and both of those countries helped the poor around the world, by showing numbers we could easily go with numbers to phase our independent and depending …show more content…

The concept connecting the idea of the theories and actual date collected. The collection must be logical, failed, and completed. And this is not discussed, but is a critical part of research methods. The measurement is difficult, most interesting concept are not directly measure and by the reading and thoughts to every indirectly. For example when you have idea of what you want to measure, but turing to be that it is not accurate (valid, reliable). Other example for the Operationalization that the concept into the variables use the deflation come up with a prices very of measure the concept, you theory talks about. Specific condition of variables case, deficit and theory that you are using in your empirical test. For example employment or number of people out of work and looking. Identifying the international wars: the inclusion and exclusion problems. and criteria for inclusion in the study. According to class note (2015) In the book the author used arrive after result reported at the end. The author seek to discover the fervency magnitude, severity, and intensity of war in the international system since the Napoleonic war. The differentiation between the numerous instances of armed violence that qualify as every of one type or another and those armed conflicts that do not; objectives of participants, political consequences legal