Strengths And Weaknesses Of Research Paradigms

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This literature review will be covering the topic on research paradigms. There are three major paradigms in the research paradigms which are the positivist paradigm research, interpretivist paradigm research and critical paradigm research. Each research paradigm has its own strengths and effectiveness due to their unique features which are specific to their particular approach as well as weaknesses.

All researchers have their own beliefs and methods while conducting a research. Therefore, the ways of research studies conducted are vary. However, there is a standard principle called paradigm that will act as a guidance to researchers’ actions and beliefs. Paradigm is a concept developed by Thomas Kuhn in 1962 whereby it is a basic orientation to theory and research. This concept includes basic assumptions, the importance of unravelling puzzles or questions and the techniques used during research (Kindi and Arabatzis, 2013). According to Weaver and Olson (2006), paradigm is defined as the patterns of beliefs which regulate inquiry within a discipline while Taylor, Kermode and Roberts (2007) stated that a paradigm is a broad view or perspective of something. A paradigm consists of three fundamentals including the belief about the nature of knowledge, a methodology and the criteria for validity (Mac Naughton, Rolfe and Siraj-Blatchford, 2001). Overall, the function of paradigm is to express an idea and act as a tool to conduct normal science which allows it to be applied by