
Cause And Effect Essay: The Cause Of The Dust Bowl

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People caused the dust bowl for the many reasons and has been one of the worst disasters happened. I chose option e, because people actions caused the dust bowl. People caused the dust bowl because of all the prairie grass they had ripped up, also because they had a major drought. The gigantic land and great soil had brought many people causing them to make more land and tear up more soil.

People caused the dust bowl because of all the prairie grass they tore up. Tall prairie grass once protected the topsoil of the Midwest. But once farmers settled the prairies, they plowed over the prairie grass."Dust Bowl"If they took out all the prairie grass then it's all. When they take up this prairie grass then the soil isn't so rich which starts to form these black blizzards. Ranchers and farmers in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, aggressively exploited the land and set up the region for ecological disaster."Dust Bowl" When they dug up land they took out the grass and made the soil worse. Farmers were careless of what they dug up and took out. World war 1 enticed farmers to plow up millions of acres of natural grass cover to plant wheat."Dust Bowl" Digging up the prairie grass protected the soil and if dug up it changed the soil. Each year, the process of farming begins with preparing the soil to be seeded. But for years, farmers had plowed the soil too fine, and they contributed to the creation …show more content…

People wanted to find land where they could make a living. Years of over cultivation meant there was no longer Protected from the elements.In the dust bowl when people came to the land they were looking for more land and more people came. ("Dust Bowl"The more the people came the more soil they ruined. WHich means the more the ruined it caused these black blizzard which makes my point why people caused the dust

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