Why Do Students Have To Do After Working For Eight Hours At School

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What do students have to do after working for eight hours at school? Homework. Many students spend hours of their day after school doing more work for school. Students despise the work and teachers and parents fuse over having to deal with it. So why do teachers continue to assign it? Homework is not beneficial for students since homework leads to mental diseases and is not academically helpful. Homework causes mental illnesses in students. First, homework can cause sleep deprivation in students. Anne-Sophie Kim in her article, “Lack of Sleep Hurts Student Health”, does a survey with college students in which she asks what the students are giving up their sleep for. Eighty-seven percent of the responts said they gave up sleep to finish homework while another fifty-eight percent gave up sleep to study for a test. The results of this study show homework causes students to lose valuable sleep. This loss of sleep can negatively affect how students perform in class and their behavior towards their peers. As homework is the leading cause of the lack of sleep teachers should evaluate how much work they assign a night. Additionally, Kim also explains the effect of sleep deprivation in students which can cause heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes. Sleep also plays an important role in cognitive functions and consolidating memories. Without the correct amount of sleep, students’ risks of getting these type of diseases increases. Students need the