Cause Of Identity Theft

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1.0 Identity Theft
Identity theft is when someone uses other person personal information without the permission and also has intention to do the fraud or other crime and put the victim under police suspicion. The victims also faced the difficulty to prove themselves not involve or not fault. According to Margaret Rouse (2009), identity theft is the biggest crime that related which the steal of the personal data or information.
The criminal also can use the information that seem like harmless such as date of birth or identification number to commit the identity theft. The information that the stealer gets can be used to buy a car and then services in the name of the victim or the criminal use the victim’s identity to load the money and then …show more content…

The victim that involve in this case, they will tied with a million of debt. In many cases, if the victims can prove that they do not make the debt, so it will be not liable to the debt. But it was almost couldn’t happen. Other than that, the identity thieves also can use the victim information to do the other crimes. For examples such do the cyber crimes, entering and exiting a country illegally, marketing drugs, laundering money and any others crimes.
There are several causes that can make the identity theft happen to someone. According to Odysseas Papadimitriou (2015), stated a several issues that can make the identity theft happen. First is the mail. The criminal can stole the victim mail and take the advantage to approve the credit card offer. Second are phishing. According to Margaret Rouse, phishing is the fraud that tricks people to click at the malicious link in order to break into computer’s …show more content…

There are many reports that connected to the identity theft cases that incriminate with the death person. According to Michael Estrin (2011), based on Sonya Smith-Valentina said that there are several reason why the deceased identity can be stolen easily such the family and relative do not give an attention to the finances and personal information of the deceased. This maybe happened to the family and relatives of the Christina White that was died in 1965. Cynthia Lyerla was stolen the White’s identity after her husband and her baby were pass away around 1988. That was very long gaps that are about 25 years before Lyerla stealing the deceased

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