Cause Of The Civil War Essay

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Comment on the major social, economic, political, and cultural changes that have shaped American history from the 1400s to the end of the Civil War. Be sure to take into account differences in race, ethnicity, gender, and economic class in your discussion. Is slavery the cause of the civil war? If you type the keyword “cause of the civil war” and click” Search” on Google, 90 percent of search result what you can see are saying that slavery was the cause of the civil war. I have seen an article claimed that there was no any other cause except the slavery. Obviously, the printing press is the main reason for the fact that it has influence on people's ideas. Nearly everybody believes that slavery was the cause of the civil war, because they are …show more content…

As a result, northern people had to work together with people of different culture and races. It was obvious that the South was more like a feudal society, and the North was more modem. States’ rights Versus Federal Rights said that at the beginning of America those founding fathers made a loose confederation, which caused the Union not close and together enough. On the other hand, the Constitution was considered to ignore states’ rights. The South was irate for that. The other three causes were mostly about the slavery. The north and the south had to fight for votes, land, and rights. That's why the Kansas-Nebraska Act made a huge impact, because it broke the balance between the north and the south, in number, and also in power. The government protected northern industries so much, but made the South unable to afford their demand products. The state government also made southern cotton sold to the north more than to other countries. This tax was like the tax what the British government gave to America people before America was shaped. So it was effective to cause the civil war. So it is easy to imagine how angry the southerners were. Many southerners are not slave owners at all, but they struggled for their own rights. It was also true that some northerners joined the Confederate. That is to say, slavery was not more important than the