Essay On What Was The Primary Cause Of The Civil War

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In Lincoln 's inaugural speech he said "This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their 'constitutional ' right of amending it or they are 'revolutionary ' right to dismember or overthrow it"(Abraham Lincoln 's First Inaugural Address). The 12th of April 1861, the Civil War began. There were many conflicts between the two sides. Many believe it was a fight for the rights and freedom of slaves, so what was the main cause of the Civil War was the issue of states rights and the preservation of the Union than rather than the issue of slavery.
The primary cause of the Civil War was the issue of slavery. “Slavery played an important role in changing the United States slaves didn 't had any right.”(Overview of Slavery). The South wanted to keep slaves while the North didn´t want slaves.The North wanted slaves to stop being treated as prisoners and for them to have their …show more content…

Also, it brought technological advances. The Civil War helped us a lot. In the Civil War, they develop weapons, technology, and created they words. The principal cause of the civil war was the fight of issue of states rights and the conservancy of the Union rather than the concern of slavery. The South wanted to keep slaves while the North wanted to abolish them. In conclusion, the primary cause of the civil war was not slavery instead was the issue of states rights. The Northern armies won the Civil War and the the South returned to the Union. “The Civil War started because of differences between free slaves states and the power of the government that said if slavery was correct or incorrect.”(The Civil War in America Prologue). Slavery was right at that time but now it is wrong. “It certainly is the only substantial difference between us”. (Abraham

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