Should Your School Get Rid Of Sports By Tim O'shei

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For many years schools have had sports, but some people want to get rid of these activities because they think it is the cause of academic problems. Studies have shown that kids who play sports have less stress than the kids that does not play sports. Therefore, schools sports should stay to prevent stress, increase school spirit, and keep the American tradition of school sports.

Kids that love playing sports know that their stress increases from doing homework all day, but decreases when they are participating in athletics. In the article, “Should your School get Rid of Sports,” by Tim O’Shei, it states that when someone plays sports that person's stress decreases (12). Also in the article he wrote, “you're exhausted from homework and then you realized that you will have track practice tomorrow, Thank Goodness,”(12). This is evident because many kids that doesn't play sports have stress, then when they do activities like basketball and football there stress decreases. Clearly, kids have less stress when they play sports and it helps them to test and huge assignments because they are letting their stress go down by doing activities.

When students go watch their school team play, whether it is football, basketball or softball they go wild when their team does something good like score a basket. In the …show more content…

For example, in the article, “Should your School get rid of Sports,” O’Shei states that even if you are not an athlete and you're cheering, chances are you’re benefiting from your school (13). He also states that relying on your team is exciting and can create a bond for your whole school (13). This shows that even people that do not play sports can have fun and not think about school assignments; however, it can also decrease their stress from homework too. Therefore many people love school sports and want to go to the