Persuasive Essay Sports

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The CDC (Center for Disease Control) recently released a statistics report on Competitive sports, related to physical and mental health, that stated, “Sports are associated with lower rates of stress, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors” (Gauntt, 2022). This report shows that when kids play competitive sports it can boost their mental health because it helps relieve stress and other harmful thoughts and feelings that the body experiences.Many people say that competitive sports are bad for children because it puts too much pressure on them, which can ruin their mental health. They can also get injured, which is not good for their physical health. While some believe that playing competitive sports is bad for kids' physical …show more content…

Many people that believe kids shouldn’t play competitive sports, say that because they are too busy with their sport they won’t have time for friends, but that is simply not true because kids can make friends through their sport. In an article titled “5 Key Benefits of Youth Sports” it states that, “For many kids, playing sports is a great way to make new friends. Participating on a team can give your children a chance to get to know others in their neighborhood, school, and local area. Often these friendships last even after the season ends. Kids can reflect on fun times spent together and shared interests.” (Harrigton, 2022). This evidence shows that kids can make lots of friends, which is good for their mental health. Not only can kids make friends, but they can form strong community bonds. In the same article titled “5 Key Benefits of Youth Sports” it states that, “Also, playing in a local league helps build a stronger connection with the community. Young people will get to know adults who serve as volunteer coaches or league officials. They can build relationships with these trusted adults–who can be important role models.” (Harrigton, 2022). This is also important because they could have many other positive influences in their life than just family. This evidence helps support the claim that playing competitive sports is good for kids' physical and mental