Children Need To Play Not Compete Persuasive Essay

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In “children Need to Play, Not compete,” Jessica Statsky talks about the damaging effects on children when they are forced to participate in of sports designed for grownups. These sports are designed keeping in mind the standards of professional practice which become a lot of burden for young kids. Being exposed to this kind of sport puts the fragile bodies in distress. Jessica further says that nowadays the only object to play sports has shifted to winning and defeating the other team. Due to this reason the essence of sport is lost for example learning to play and work together as a team, maintain a healthy body image and collaboration with members the other team. Statsky also mentions the rash selection criteria the children are put through and only the one that already know how to play beforehand are selected. This leaves the children depressed and disappointed. In the end, Jessica Statsky tries to make readers aware that the well-being of their child is more than coming home with a trophy. (Word count: 179)
Strong Response
I strongly agree with Jessica Stastky essay “Children Need to Play, Not Compete.” The essay is based on authentic facts about the harmful effect of these competitive sports have on the children. All the people who have played sports can relate to this essay and agree that …show more content…

These sport can have a very harmful effect on the health of these children. I agree with Jessica’s point that children need to enjoy the sport and act their own age rather than carrying the burden of their parent's expectation. The goal of the sport should be to make the children into a better person and teach them a valuable lesson in like of sportsmanship and teamwork. Children need to be taught that victory come in secondary to these lessons. They should not feel like a job to these