Explain Why Kids Should Not Play Sports Essay

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Kids Should be Allowed to Play Sports

Recently, many people have been debating if should kids play sports. There are two sides of this argument. One is that kids should not play sports because it is unsafe and stressful. The other side thinks kids should play sports because it teaches them important lessons, they become more social, and they are healthy. This article shows why kids should play sports. The most important reason kids should be allowed to play sports is because sports teaches important life lessons. IN the article across Sports: The Benefits of Competitive Athletic Sports Participation in Today's Sports Climate, written by Kirk Mango. It tells us that during sports kids learn about time management skills and strategies for improving their skill set. Kids also learn a strong sense of focus and concentration, internal skills for handling pressure, learn how to take, and calculate risks take responsibility for one's success or failure. Also In the article Get Off that Couch, kids learn about constructive criticism, how to handle being under pressure, how to work …show more content…

Coaches can be hard, practices can be long, and it can be expensive. However, during someone's lifetime there will be things that they don’t want to do. Having your kid play a sport will teach them many things. Like, how to get along with other kids, not giving up easily, and how not to be a sore loser. There are so many reasons but those are a few. That is why I believe kids should play sports. They learn important life lessons, they become very social, and they get into shape.

When kids play sports, they learn a lot of lessons, they become more social, and they stay healthy. That is why kids should play sports. From playing on a team, I have learned many great things about time management, being a team, not being a sore loser, and many other great things. I meet new people and I feel good and healthy after a day at