Causes Of The American Civil War

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People have reasoning and explanation for the actions they execute throughout life. However, they also have to suffer the consequences that follow the choices made. The American Civil War began in 1861 and ended in 1865, but a myriad of factors exist that affected the production of the war. The cause of the American Civil War has been among the most controversial issues of this nation’s past for several years.1 On top of that, the consequences and rewards, due to the aftermath of the war, helped shape the United States into the country it is today. The motivating factors, consequences, and rewards of the American Civil War due to Manifest Destiny, immensely impacted the United States of America. By the mid-1800s, the English settlers heard …show more content…

However, within that time frame immigrants from numerous countries started to flood America. “Between 1840 and 1860, almost four and a half million immigrants arrived in the United States.”4 As immigrants continued to migrate to the United States, the northern and southern states began to dispute about slavery. “Manifest Destiny appealed to a wide spectrum of Americans and crossed party, gender, class, and racial lines.”5 The main contributing factors of the American Civil War, based upon the belief of Manifest Destiny, were the racial and slavery conflicts between the North and the South. As people of different race and ethnicity continued to arrive in the United States, Americans began to demonstrate how the American economy worked. The immigrants started to obtain jobs, depending on which part of the country they lived in influenced the amount of employment pressure the immigrants were under. “The most violent expressions of Manifest Destiny were driven by pressure from southerners and from white workingmen in the North.”6 The northerners showed the immigrants how to work hard to provide for their own families. The people from the South decided to place the immigrants, primarily African immigrants, to work on their plantations as …show more content…

It was fought between the Union, northern states, and the Confederacy, the southern states. The deadly war was started by numerous reasons, such as the belief of Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny was the belief that God’s destiny for the United States of America included complete control of all the land between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. In the 1840s, Manifest Destiny took a violent turn. The Americans began to conduct wars with the nations that controlled the land. As they started to control more land, people from various countries began to come to the United States. With people of multiple race and ethnicities in the America, the conflict of slavery began. Slavery was one of the main contributors of the Civil War because the North and South could not agree, which of the new western states would be free or slave states. Thus sparking the American Civil War in 1861. As a result of the war, over six hundred thousand Americans died. Another consequence of the war in the South is that slavery was abolished, but that did not stop racial discrimination. African American suffered tremendous consequences after the Civil War. However, the United States also discovered the nation God destined it to be because of the Civil War. Americans began to strengthen the nation by focusing on Manifest Destiny and the economy. The contributing factors of the American Civil War, based upon the belief of Manifest Destiny,