Causes Of The American Revolution Dbq

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The American Revolution was key in the creation of the Declaration of Independence and the formation of the U.S. The American Revolution happened between 1775 and 1776 in the colonies of America and in England. The American colonies and Britain were involved and fought because the colonists didn't want to be ruled by the King anymore, thus they fought for independence. This major event led to the Declaration of independence because this was key for them in their fight for independence. To a considerable extent, the American Revolution came to be due to political and economic reasons. Politically, patriots and loyalists were more divided than ever due to laws and act passing in a seemingly never-ending exchange, while economically, the United …show more content…

For instance, “They (Parliment) have undertaken to give and grant our money without consent, though we have ever exercised an exclusive right to dispose of our own property; statutes have been passed for extending the jurisdiction of courts of Admiralty and Vice-Admirality beyond their ancient limits:(Document 5)” This shows that the governing bodies, Admiralty and Vice Admiralty, had overstepped their boundaries with them managing the colonies money although they already had been financing their own funds. This overstepping of boundaries was important as those in America didn't want to be overruled by …show more content…

For instance, “That only representatives of the people of these colonies, are persons chosen therein by themselves, and that no taxes ever been, or can be constitutionally imposed on them, but by their respective legislatures. (Document 2)” This means that the colonists didn't want taxes imposed on them by another power like Britain or the King. This idea came from the current acts at the time, like the Sugar act.
Another economical cause for the American revolution was deciding who could impose taxes on the colonies. For example, “A right to impose an internal tax on the colonies, without their consent for the single purpose of revenue, is denied, a right to regulate their tradewithout their consent is admitted.¨This means that the colonists didn't want the King nor Britain to impose taxes on them. Only the colonies could impose taxes on themselves, although the management of trade was left to Britain and the