Ku Klux Klan Research Paper

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The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 and protracted in almost every southern state by 1870. “They became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the republican parties reconstruction era policies that aimed at endowing political and economic equality for blacks.” (history.com “Jim Crow Law”) The Ku Klux Klan was a dangerous force in the United States because support of local law enforcement, intimidation and pride. Back in the day, Local Law Enforcement officials belonged to the Klan or declined to take against it, even those who arrested klan members found it difficult to find witnesses that were willing to argue against them. White citizens in the south refused to speak out against the actions of the group, giving them understanding …show more content…

In 1925, more than fifty- thousand members had a parade, where they carried banners decorated with the names of their local chapters and their home states. The leaders of Klan wore colorful satin robes. The file and rank wore white, the robes had a circular red patch containing a cross with a drop of blood at its center. They wore pointed hoods but their faces were clearly visible because they wanted to show people they were proud of who they were and were not afraid to hide what they were proud to be apart of. Many of their public activities were festival, pageants, and social gatherings. “Members were so proud they encouraged native-born white Americans to believe that intimidation, harassment, and violence were all perfectly compatible with respect.” ( nytimes.com “Linda Gordan” ) In today’s world, the Ku Klux Klan still exists with members all over the country, but not many people are apart of the Klan from in the 1860’s through the 1990’s. They still give off intimidation to Local Law Enforcement, and pride from the group and to the people that fear them. Hopefully, in the future there will not be any more of the Ku Klux Klan members, so people would not fear the possibilities that could happen to them and the culture they live