Causes Of The Treaty Of Versailles Essay

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Background information:
The Treaty of Versailles has always been treated as the very foundation that initiated the many sequence of events that lead to the calamity of the Second World War. Conversely, it is not the only factor to be considered or blamed as there is a great deal more that contributed to the starting of this War. Such as…
The Treaty of Versailles was a major leading factor that contributed to many other causes. But, the Treaty was not the only reason World War 2 began, and rather, acted as a basis to the events that triggered such a devastating war.
Checklist of three-four key ideas in essay:
-The Treaty of Versailles/Humiliation of Germany
-The Great Depression/unemployment/economic situation
-Anti-communism/The …show more content…

L: The rise of Fascism was mostly able to occur due to the Great Depression which caused national panic, resulting in the citizens looking for a new government.

Paragraph 3
T: Trying to keep up with reparations, Germany created more money with deal to hyperinflation. But with the crash of the American stock exchange (1929), the Great Depression started and Germany’s economy crashed. In turn, this caused civil and international unrest.
E: -The government tried to take control of the situation, but ultimately lead to hyperinflation, people lost faith once again.
-The fortunes of the National Socialist German Workers Party changed when the Wall Street Crash occurred.
-(1924) the Dawes Plan was created in order for Germany to keep up with reparation payments. The Dawes Plan was an agreement between the German government and the American banks in which the American banks lent them money to help pay reparations.
E: -By the end of 1930, unemployment reached nearly 4 million in Germany, 15.3 per cent of the population. (According to Ernest Hanfstaengel, who meet with Anton Drexler in 1922)
-In the 1933 Election campaign, Adolf Hitler promised that if he gained power he would abolish unemployment.

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