
Causes Of World War I

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The first world war was launched in the late summer of 1914. The war was ultimately generated by the slaying on 28th June 1914, Archduke, Franz Ferdinand and his wife, by the Bosnian revolutionary, Gavrilo Princip. Although these murders were the direct events that triggered this great war. There were also other reasons for the cause of this war, reasons that date back to the nineteenth century, reasons that were far more problematic and actually,to this day, are still questioned and disputed by historians. In the 1900s, the British empire had spread across five continents. Industrialism was on the rise and countries needed modern markets. The number of lands that were controlled by Britain and France intensified the conflict with Germany, …show more content…

In Germany, nationalism was motivated by imperialism. Germany and Britain were starting to develop and broaden. As they started to expand, they began to feel as though they would be unconstrained. Pan-Slavism, defined as the idea that the Slavic people in Europe should acquire their own democracy, was most forceful in the country of Serbia. Pan-Slavism was disputed in the Austro-Hungarian Empire as well as the impact that they had over their territory. This particular belief is what motivated the spark that ultimately led to the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which was just one of the many events that contributed to World War I. Nationalism contributed the the cause of World War I because of the conflict that it caused. It led people to have extreme faith and beliefs in their nation’s military, economic and cultural superiority. It led to a kind of arrogance and cockiness of the citizens of many nations, which increased the probability of a war. Nationalism left the British feeling superior and led them to believe that they could without a doubt win any war thrown at them as long as they stuck together. Nationalism led the European nations competing for the largest military and/or the biggest business …show more content…

It showed that there was a desire to use force as a solution to the problems that were had. Militarism contributed to the declaration of World War I because it signified an increase in military forces and military spending and disbursement. Mainly in the countries of Germany and Russia, there was an increase in military influence in regards to policy making. During the the years 1900-1914, there was a rise in the European Army and Naval powers. Germany increased the number of their soldiers and France increased the amount of years in a single service by another half of a year. Naval conflict and the increase of the military and military preparations caused people to believe that a war was near. Britain and France had an agreement, The French navy would set up in the Mediterranean Sea and the the British would focus on the North Sea. Since this agreement was coordinated and planned together, these countries united together when the war was

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