Cavanaugh's Summaries Of A Free Economy

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In Cavanaugh’s introduction he is evaluating a free market. He is asking whether we are for or against a free market. He evaluates at how we as Christians would respond to the situation. In the four chapters he briefly discusses the matters of the economic life: the free market, consumerism, globalization, and scarcity. In the first chapter William uses Augustine to argue that there is no point in being either for, or against the free market. Regardless of whether the market is free or not, we as Christians do not change the current circumstances. In chapter two he discusses how in the Eucharist God has created us to consume in the correct way. Chapter three he argues that rather than be for or against globalization, the church should focus on knowing how to become global and knowing how to become local. Finally in the fourth chapter of being consumed he shows that life in Christ refuses to accept scarcity at all. This book gives us a view of our everyday life in the economy with the help of Christian resources. Cavanaugh stated the purpose of the book by analyzing the faults in the economy.

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He goes on to explain that we should be neither for, nor against this. That we as individuals are caught in a bound economy where we do not know where our food, or any products come from. It is not as if we do not care, but rather we are obviously to what is happening around us. He exams some of Milton Friedman’s writings on freedom. He shows some problems with ideology, but there is no point in rejecting the free market. The important questions he asks is whether the market is free or not. How can one determine when any transaction is free. Cavanaugh rejects that any transaction is free. He uses some of Augustine’s writings on free will to show that real freedom needs to take the positive end of life in