
Was The Us The Greatest Force For Good In The Past Century Essay

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Was the US the greatest force for good in the world during the past century? Well, yes. The United States of America has used its vast resources to lift its people to higher standards of living and used its influence across the globe to bolster the world’s economy. So it is with our economy based in capitalism and individual rights that has led the world in innovation. Other economic theories like the communism found previously in Russia and China, were oppressive to individual rights and their economies tanked. And with no economic power, they could not lift up the economies of other countries. For a very long time we have tried to spread the freedom that we hold so dearly because it is through freedom that people prosper. With prosperity brings trade with other countries and enhanced …show more content…

Both China and Russia already protect dictators like Syria's Bashar al-Assad. This influence is based in military might not economic might. Militaries destroy, economies build. If these types of socialist or communist governments had gained greater relative influence in the past, we would have seen fewer democratic institutions like capitalism and more autocrats hanging on to power” (Mic.com). This is saying that if the U.S.A. had not expanded its influence and let countries like Russia and China to become more powerful the world would be very strictly controlled by oppressive militaristic communist governments. What this means is that there would be no free market, no private companies, no private anything. Trade would exist but it would determined by government and not people choosing with their preferences in what they can and cannot buy. Communism means that everyone shares everything, government decides your choices. This causes inefficiencies because markets are the best as rewarding the best ideas and not

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