Cdc Website Case Study

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The CDC website introduces ADHD as a neurobehavioral or deficit disorder that affects children’s in all ages and sometimes it can have incurred into adulthood. ADHD has no cure, but there is help and treatment out there to control it. ADHD also has three different types. Predominately inattentive presentation, Hyperactive impulse presentation and combined presentation. Some of the causes for this condition can be brain injury or causes within the early stage of life. To diagnose it a several step process needs to be followed. Even though the condition has no cure, treatment is available. CDC site is informing about ADHD, which is a condition often diagnosing among children. The CDC effectively disputes that parents need to learn more in regards …show more content…

Information provided on the site is very informative and it describes the condition from what it is, the symptoms patients might present, causes and types, explanation of the condition and treatment for it. Usually when we are looking for answers we have to look in different places to obtain the responses we need, but in this case the CDC pretty much answers and covers all aspects and questions about ADHD. This means that the center for disease and control prevention is doing its job which is to inform people about what is going on with different types of situation, diseases and emergencies humanity presents on a daily basis. CDC website is a great referral for inquiries about ADHD its information is reliable and comes from strong resources that make the task of research provided meaningful and powerful this is when Ethos comes in lead. All information is either to help prevent, treat or inform about this matter and Pathos is not fully …show more content…

Logic and reasoning are used though all of it and we can clearly see how these two are embodied trough facts on the site. ADHD is condition that is very common among our children, Ethos and Logos are used on the article which results in site information to be positive and revealing. CDC description about ADHD is very effective and creates a positive explanatory environment among society and for those exploring the subject. ADHD is a disease that sadly has no cure but it can be treated with the appropriate specialists. CDC site is using rhetorical tools that are helping inform the public which are great for inducement. Also the way the site is established, helps people understand and interpret the signs of the condition. Doing this will help people to seek for help on the conditions early or beginning stage. Information provided makes the site efficiently and a useful tool for whoever is seeking this type of information. The CDC really does a great job helping people defying and describing what ADHD is and this reflects the great job they are doing to help Americans all over the country and even the world in regards to matters like this