Cognitive Behavioral Therapy In Children

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It is not uncommon for children, specifically those at a younger age to disobey their parent or guardian every so often. They will sometimes express their opposition by disobeying, lashing out or being disrespectful to authority. However, if these actions persist for a long period of months and is disproportion to how a child at that age should behave, the child usually has a behavior disorder called oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).
ODD is a condition wherein a child exhibits a constant pattern of difficult, insubordinate, argumentative, and frustrating behavior to authority. Numerous youth with ODD also struggle with additional behavioral problems, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, and …show more content…

The goal is psychotherapy is to assist the child with methods to both express and control their anger. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a type of therapy to that attempts to restructure the child 's reasoning to help them develop better communication skills and conduct. Parent management training is also used in the therapy process in some cases of ODD. This therapy instills parents with the skills to adjust their child 's behavior. Although there is no treatment that is recognized or officially accepted to cure ODD, doctors will prescribe patients with medicines that treat ADHD and other behavioral disorders. These prescriptions include Clonidine, Amphetamine, Atomoxetine (Strattera), Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), and Dexmethylphenidate (Focalin). If children with ODD are not properly treated, they may be shunned by their peers because of their antagonistic behavior. If treatment is used immediately and properly, it is commonly effective. It is not likely to avoid ODD, but distinguishing and treating symptoms immediately can diminish anguish to the child and family, and thwart several other issues linked with the disorder. Additionally, if a child has a caring, steady family environment and receives not only affection but also punishment, symptoms of ODD will be reduced and violent outburst will occur less often. Other ways to prevent ODD include time-outs if the encounter with the child is about to become more …show more content…

M rested in a strange position inside his mother’s womb, causing his membrane to crack. Moreover, his umbilical cord was tangled. M rarely ever rested during his infant years. He usually needed to be cradled and slowly rocked. His maturation level was normal for his age. His disorderly actions began to cause his mother concern when he was forced to leave his second preschool due to his defiant behavior. M was a hard-headed child who frequently declined to do anything that was asked of him. His self-care abilities were not developed yet as he was not potty trained nor would sleep without his parents near him. His intelligence level was normal for his age and his defiant behavior was intentional. He has declined to get toys that required him to pull off of racks. He refused to adhere to instructions and did what he pleased whenever he wanted to. M was diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Although, oppositional behavior is a normal characteristic for toddlers, M was blatantly uncooperative and antagonistic. His progressing levels of disobedience and threatening actions toward authority disturbed his daily activities. M threw constant temper-tantrums and failed to consent to adult instructions. M was easily irritated by his peers and regularly pointed the finger at others for his missteps or wrongdoings. M purposefully annoyed others in search of personal