Cdse Mission Statement

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Every child, every student, all of us want to feel valued, to be counted among and to matter. We want to have a purpose and this is the story of humanity that enables each of us to develop our unique skills and abilities.

US Department of Education

Let’s begin with the role of our federal government.
It is an undeniable truth that our country leaves the responsibility of education to local and state level.

Mission: promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.

Raising national and community awareness

Disseminating the latest discoveries on what works in teaching and learning,

Helping communities work out solutions to difficult educational issues …show more content…

The CDE supports, collaborates and engages with educators, schools, parents and other stakeholders to prepare students to live, work, and thrive in a highly connected world.

Business and Industry

Businesses are not often regarded as stakeholders in education. They are. Their role is crucial and just as important as the role of the community.

• Provides opportunities for the young to experience the world of work
• Provide grants and scholarships to students and teachers
• Partnership with schools and community to organize events allowing students to participate in work related projects

Local School Districts


The educator is one of three key pieces in education–the right point of the triangle–along with the parents and students, the golden triad of education as I call it.

Teachers, first and foremost, must practice the following:
• Care deeply for the character and moral development of students by word and